Thai Yoga Massage Training w/ Bhavani Hope : January – February 2024

Thai Yoga Massage Training:

A practical and theoretical workshop series in the art of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage.

The series you will learn is the most ancient sequence of bodywork known still today. Created over 2500 years ago by Siddhartha’s Doctor Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha ( Shivago Kompara ) to prepare Buddha for his journey towards Samadhi.

Thai Yoga Massage is an easy to learn combination of assisted stretches, joint mobilization, massage techniques, activating pressure points and clearing energy lines (meridians).

Upon completion of the course, students will have a good knowledge and practice of how to give a full body Thai Massage treatment to practitioner

All participants are fully clothed and no oils are used. Thai Massage falls under the category of Yoga under state guidelines.

Each lesson begins with a lecture and demonstration followed by supervised practice.

After completing the course and the student will be required to practice 10 practice sessions and final practical exam.

All students will have opportunity to practice on the public at PRANA Yoga in a group setting.

6 sessions

6 hours each

2 hour private with Bhavani

Pricing: $1800

$1500/early bird

Couples $2800

Payment plan option

20 spots available/ students

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