Thai Massage Play Shop and Gong Bath : Saturday December 2nd : 2:00- 5:30pm w/ Bhavani & Regina

We are going to do this again. If you missed it the first time take this opportunity to have some fun with playful Thai Massage. Come join us again if you took it the first time. You don’t have to know how to do it. It is what you will learn and enjoy doing with each other. We will end with a lovely Gong Bath. You will feel so relaxed and renewed the Gong will just melt you into the cushioned mat.
Come stretch, massage and play while learning a simple easy to learn sequence from the most ancient and original form of bodywork, as taught by the founder of Thai Yoga Massage.
No previous Yoga or Massage Experience needed, just a playful attitude.
Singles will be paired up, or grab a partner.
In this fun, relaxing and play shop you will learn the fundamental techniques of giving a Thai Massage including how to clear and energize the major 10 energy lines, Palm pressing, thumb pressing, as well as a simple assisted stretching routine. You will have the tools and experience to give a basic Thai massage to friends or family.
$77 couples
$44 singles
Bhavani has been training in Yoga and Healing and Ascension Mechanics for 26 years. She is a humble student of the following masters:
Yoga with Ashtanga creator Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Qi-Gong with Master Luke Chen, Thai Yoga Massage with Pom Wong, Kundalini Yoga with Ramdeep Kaur and Ravi Singh, Kathara Healing with Ashayana Dean and PJ Black, Shamanism with the Iroquois/Mohawk.
Assateague Tribe, Shamanism with Erez, Reiki with Sri Harshad Sadashiv and Maha Yoga with Shankaracharya.

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