Kirtan with Cheryl & Bhavani: Friday October 20th, 7:00pm- 8:45pm. $15 at the door
7:00pm- 8:45pm
Join Cheryl Chaffee & Bhavani Hope for an evening of sacred sounds, glorious harmonies, and magical mantras. It’s going to be an amazing evening!!
Cheryl operated Garden of the Heart Yoga Center pre pandemic. She and I met when she first held Kirtans at her studio. In fact her Kirtan group call “Palms Together” came to a teacher training I was holding to have them engage and experience kirtan. We elevate our mind thoughts with kirtan. Instead of repeatedly saying to ourselves, I can’t, I can’t I can’t…which is an example of mantra, repeating a phrase, We change the energy with positive affirmations and heart opening prayer. This is Yoga. Coming to union with your higher self.